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FE1 Exam

Updated for 2025.

20 euros each.

I am a 2 time FE1 winner

and tutored FE1 for 9 years.

Suitable for QLTT and Kings Inns.

Traineeships & Internships

I help get you in the door by reviewing your cv, cover letter, and applications. I also prep you for the big day!

Life Coaching

I help guide you on your career.

I am a life coach and a solicitor. I'm sure we'll find that the obstacle is the way and you have all the answers.


I passed the CIPP/E exam with 400/500. I have an ebook to help you pass too!

Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler- Einstein


Marble Surface
Marble Surface

I just want to say thanks for what you do. Because of your tips in writing out applications, I managed to earn an internship at one of the biggest law firms in Ireland designed for 1st year students.

Marble Surface

Just want to say a massive thanks for the help on the paper. Got my results today and got a first in the assignment and the overall company law module, absolutely delighted !!

Marble Surface

Thanks for your services and the attached study notes back in October; your review of my previous exams was brief, but you provided me with just what I needed! I am happy to say I ended up passing the November sitting of the Tort (with more knowledge of the law) with 59%. 

Marble Surface

I just wanted to drop you an email to say thank you. I purchased your e-books for Company Law, Equity and Criminal, and they are fantastic. 

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